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MythicDrops has a lot of configuration options. Below is the contents of the config.yml with inline explanations of what each configuration option does.

version: 7.10.0
## Should monsters who receive drops be given
## random names? Pulls from the resources/mobnames
## folder. general.txt applies to all
## monsters, while a creeper.txt will only apply to
## creepers.
give-mobs-names: false
## Should mobs that are given names get names that are
## colored to match the color of the tiered item that they
## received?
give-mobs-colored-names: false
## Should all monsters be given random names? This includes
## animals like cows and sheep. Pulls from the
## resources/mobnames folder. general.txt applies to all
## monsters, while a creeper.txt will only apply to
## creepers.
give-all-mobs-names: false
## Should mobs be given the equipment when they spawn or
## should the items only be dropped on death? This defaults
## to true so that players can identify mobs that will drop
## sweet loot.
"display-mob-equipment": true
## Should mobs be able to pick up equipment that gets dropped
## by a player? This defaults to false as if a player drops
## a piece of loot with a low drop rate and a mob picks it
## up, the mob might not drop the item when it dies. The laws
## of item dropping chance still apply.
can-mobs-pick-up-equipment: false
## Should mobs have any pre-existing equipment removed when
## they spawn? This defaults to false as Minecraft now
## occasionally will spawn monsters with helmets, chestplates,
## leggings, boots, or weapons.
enabled: false
## When performing blank mob spawn, which mobs should spawn with
## their default equipment?
## Allow items to be repaired using an Anvil?
## This defaults to false as items can be renamed using the Anvil.
allow-items-to-be-repaired-by-anvil: false
## Should leather colors be randomized?
randomize-leather-colors: true
## Default socket gem name color on items. For power users, mostly.
default-socket-name-color-on-items: GOLD
## If a socket gem gets added to an item AND the item has a tier AND
## this is set to true, then use the tier display color as the color
## of the socket gem name on the item. Otherwise, use the color from
## default-socket-name-color-on-items. For power users, mostly.
use-tier-color-for-socket-name: true
## If mobs need to be killed by a player in order for their items to
## drop. This is true by default as it helps nullify mob traps. If
## you want mob traps to work, set this to false. This only works with
## display-mob-equipment set to false.
require-player-kill-for-drops: true
## Set this to true if you do not want to be able to roll multiple
## bonus enchantments with the same enchantment. This will lead to
## scenarios where you may have low numbers of enchantments on items.
only-roll-bonus-enchantments-once: false
## Set this to true if you do not want to be able to roll multiple
## bonus attributes with the same attribute. This will lead to
## scenarios where you may have low numbers of attributes on items.
only-roll-bonus-attributes-once: false
## Allow items to have their repair costs removed by a grindstone?
## This only works for Minecraft 1.14+. Set this to false if you
## don't want repair costs removed, as that will allow players to
## modify their MD items.
allow-items-to-have-repair-cost-removed-by-grindstone: false
## Allow diamond MD items to be upgrade to Netherite?
## This only works for Minecraft 1.16+.
allow-netherite-upgrade: true
## Disable checks for items using the legacy chat color and item similarity checks?
## This primarily has impacts on dropping items, configuration, socketing, and anvils.
## It is much more performant.
## This only works for Minecraft 1.16+.
disable-legacy-item-checks: true
## Disable generating default item attributes on tiered items.
## Incredibly not recommended as it makes working with attributes more frustrating.
## Again, do not change unless you know what you're doing.
disable-default-tiered-item-attributes: false
## Include any worlds where you want to have MythicDrops
## create drops here.
## Example:
## enabled-worlds:
## - world
## - world2
## - world3
- world
## All entries in this section have a maximum value of
## 1.0 (100%) and a minimum value of 0.0 (0%).
## This represents the drop strategy used to determine drops from the plugin.
## Can include strategies from other plugins as well.
## Currently provided strategies by MythicDrops:
## - single (one drop per mob at most)
## - multiple (one drop per mob per type of drop at most)
strategy: single
## This is who will receive a broadcast when an item is found.
## WORLD - Players in the same world.
## SERVER - All players on the server.
## PLAYER - Only the player finding the item.
broadcast-target: WORLD
## This is the chance for a mob to get items at all.
item-chance: 1.0
## This is the chance for a mob to spawn with a tiered item.
tiered-item-chance: 0.25
## If a mob does not receive an item with a tier,
## this is the chance for a mob to spawn with a
## custom item.
custom-item-chance: 0.1
## If a mob does not receive an item with a tier
## or a custom item, this is the chance for a mob
## to spawn with a socket gem.
socket-gem-chance: 0.2
## If a mob does not receive an item with a tier
## a custom item, or a socket gem, this is the chance for a mob
## to spawn with an unidentified item.
unidentified-item-chance: 0.1
## If a mob does not receive an item with a tier
## a custom item, a socket gem, or an unidentified item,
## this is the chance for a mob to spawn with an identity tome.
identity-tome-chance: 0.1
## If a mob does not receive an item with a tier
## a custom item, a socket gem, an unidentified item,
## or an identity tome, this is the chance for a mob to spawn
## with a socket extender.
socket-extender-chance: 0.1
## Should creatures be able to spawn with items?
creature-spawning-enabled: true
## Should MythicDrops enable its repairing feature
## and disable the vanilla Minecraft repairing
## feature (recommended)?
repairing-enabled: true
## Should MythicDrops spawn items with empty sockets
## and socket gems?
socketing-enabled: true
## Should MythicDrops enable its identifying feature
## and spawn unidentified items and identity tomes?
identifying-enabled: true
## Should MythicDrops enable distance-from-spawn
## based drops, i.e., drops that can only spawn within
## certain distances from the spawn of a world?
distance-zones-enabled: false
## How should the name of generated items be formatted?
## Uses variables contained in variables.txt.
item-display-name-format: "%generalprefix% %generalsuffix%"
## How should the lore of generated items be formatted?
## Uses variables contained in variables.txt.
- "&7Type: %mythicmaterial%"
- "&7Tier:%tiercolor% %tiername%"
- "%baselore%"
- "%bonuslore%"
- "%socketlore%"
- "%relationlore%"