## Should mobs spawned by a spawn egg be prevented from receiving items?
## Should mobs spawned by a mob spawner be prevented from receiving items?
## Should mobs spawned by a custom reason be prevented from receiving items?
## This would typically be mobs spawned by plugins.
## Should mobs spawned by reinforcements (zombie mechanic) be prevented from
## Should mobs spawned by drowning be prevented from receiving items?
## Allows you to set a Y level per world where mobs will not receive items
## if they spawn above it.
## In the default config, mobs spawned above 255 in a world named "world"
## will not receive items.
## Each mob that you want to drop items needs to be included in this section.
## If the mob is not included in this section, they are treated as having a
## multiplier of 0.0 and will not drop tiered items.
## Mob names come from this link:
## https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
## Multiplier against the percentages (item-chance, tiered-item-chance, etc.)
## Tiers that this type of mob can drop.
## Number of passes against the drop strategy this mob gets. You can bump this number up to
## Multiplier against the percentages (item-chance, tiered-item-chance, etc.)
## Tiers that this type of mob can drop.
## Number of passes against the drop strategy this mob gets. This is an alternative way to
## control the amount of loot that this creature can get.