MythicDrops has a lot of configuration options. Below is the contents of the customItems.yml with inline explanations of what each configuration option does.
version: 5.4.0## Name of a custom item. Used as an identifier by the plugin, so it needs## to be unique.socketsword: ## Material of the custom item. You can obtain a list of potential material ## names (for 1.14 at time of writing) here: ## material: WOODEN_SWORD ## Name to display on the custom item itself. "display-name": "&2Socket Sword (Unique)" ## Goes in the description of the custom item. lore: - "&7This sword has sockets!" - "&2(Socket)" - "&2(Socket)" - "&2(Socket)" - "&7Find a &2Socket Gem&7 to fill a &2(Socket)" ## Weight of the custom item. See the weights section of the documentation ## for more information. weight: 100 ## Durability of the item when spawned. A durability of 1 means that the ## item has taken 1 damage. If an item has a max durability of 127, ## then setting this to 126 would almost break the item. This is due ## to how both Minecraft and Spigot handle durability. durability: 1 ## Chance for this custom item to drop when a monster that is carrying it ## dies. chance-to-drop-on-monster-death: 1.0 ## Should a message be sent to every player in the same world ## when this custom item is dropped? broadcast-on-find: true ## Custom model data value. Only supported in 1.14+. ## custom-model-data: 0 ## Should the custom item have the unbreakable NBT tag? unbreakable: false ## Should the custom item glow even if it doesn't have any enchantments? glow: false ## Enchantments to go on the custom item. Enchantment names here: ## enchantments: ## Standard enchantment name to level mapping. SHARPNESS: 5 LOOTING: ## Minimum level of enchantment minimum-level: 1 ## Maximum level of enchantment. Can be higher than normal maximum level ## per Minecraft rules. maximum-level: 2 ## Attributes to go on the items. attributes: ## This needs to be a unique value per custom item. It's used to help identify ## the attribute to Minecraft. iamarandomuniquekey1: ## Attribute for this particular modifier. Attribute names here: ## attribute: GENERIC_ARMOR ## Decimal value for the amount this attribute adds. amount: 2.0 ## Operation for this particular modifier. Operation names and descriptions here: ## operation: ADD_NUMBER ## This attribute modifier uses a minimum amount and maximum amount to ## create a randomized amount to apply for the modifier. iamarandomuniquekey2: attribute: GENERIC_ARMOR ## Decimal value for the minimum amount this attribute adds. minimum-amount: 4.0 ## Decimal value for the maximum amount this attribute adds. maximum-amount: 6.0 operation: ADD_NUMBER ## Which equipment slot should this modifier apply to? Not including ## this field makes it apply to every equipment slot. Slot names here: ## slot: OFF_HAND ## Flags to control what is displayed on an item. ## item-flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ## This is the level cost for an item if it is put inside an anvil. repair-cost: 1000 ## Can enchantments be removed by a grindstone? enchantments-removable-by-grindstone: false ## Should the default attributes for the custom item's material be added to the custom item? add-default-attributes: false ## HeadDatabase ID for a head hdb-id: "some-id-string"