## Should unidentified items respect the tier drops of the mob that they
## originally dropped from? Does not work in 6.0.0. See
## https://github.com/PixelOutlaw/MythicDrops/issues/396
## Will require the use of "%droppedby%" or "%allowabletiers%" from below.
unidentified-items-respect-tier-drops: true
## What type of click is used for identifying an item?
## https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/ClickType.html
click-type-to-identify: RIGHT
## Name of the identity tome item.
## Description of the identity tome item.
- "&7Right-click while holding this tome"
- "&7over an &dUnidentified Item"
## Material of the identity tome item.
## Name of the unidentified item.
name: "&dUnidentified Item"
## Description of the unidentified item.
## You can use the following variables in the lore of an unidentified item:
## %droppedby% - composed of `dropped-by-prefix`, then the mob type, then `dropped-by-suffix`
## %allowabletiers% - composed of `allowable-tiers-prefix`, then allowable tiers separated by
## `allowable-tiers-separator`, then `allowable-tiers-suffix`
## %tier% - composed of `tier-prefix`, then the tier name, then `tier-suffix`
- "&7Find an &5Identity Tome &7to"
- "&7identify this item!"
## Used to compose the "%allowabletiers%" variable above.
allowable-tiers-prefix: "&7Tiers: (&F"
## Used to compose the "%allowabletiers%" variable above.
allowable-tiers-separator: "&7, &F"
## Used to compose the "%allowabletiers%" variable above.
allowable-tiers-suffix: "&7)"
## Used to compose the "%droppedby%" variable above.
dropped-by-prefix: "&7Dropped by: &F"
## Used to compose the "%droppedby%" variable above.
## Used to compose the "%tier%" variable above.
tier-prefix: "&7Tier: &F"
## Used to compose the "%tier%" variable above.