# A bunch of different and modifiable messages
# used in the "/md" commands.
found-item-broadcast: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A has found a %item%!"
prevented-netherite-upgrade: "&6[MythicDrops] You cannot upgrade this item to Netherite!"
only-players: "&6[MythicDrops] &COnly players can run this command."
no-access: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou don't have permission to do that."
reload-config: "&6[MythicDrops] &AMythicDrops configs reloaded."
reload-plugin: "&6[MythicDrops] &AMythicDrops reloaded."
save-config: "&6[MythicDrops] &AMythicDrops configs saved."
tier-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat tier does not exist."
custom-item-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat custom item does not exist."
player-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat player does not exist or is not online."
world-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat world does not exist."
socket-gem-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat Socket Gem does not exist."
item-group-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat item group does not exist."
unknown-player: "unknown player"
custom-item-list: "&6[MythicDrops] &CCustom Items: &F%customitems%"
tier-list: "&6[MythicDrops] &7Tiers: &F%tiers%"
debug: "&6[MythicDrops] &7Debug printed."
help: "&7/%command% &F- &7%help%"
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &ACreated a custom item with id &F%name%&A."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CUnable to create custom item."
requires-item: "&6[MythicDrops] &CUnable to create custom item because there is no item in your main hand."
requires-item-meta: "&6[MythicDrops] &CUnable to create custom item because item has no display name, lore, or enchantments."
requires-display-name: "&6[MythicDrops] &CUnable to create custom item because item has no display name."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A custom MythicDrops item(s)."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C custom MythicDrops item(s)."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A &3Socket Extender(s)&A."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C &3Socket Extender(s)&C."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A &6Socket Gem(s)&A."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C &6Socket Gem(s)&C."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C MythicDrops item(s)."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A &5Identity Tome(s)&A."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C &5Identity Tome(s)&C."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A &DUnidentified Item(s)&A."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C &DUnidentified Item(s)&C."
sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A custom MythicDrops item(s)."
sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C custom MythicDrops item(s)."
receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)!"
receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C custom MythicDrops item(s)."
sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A &3Socket Extender(s)&A."
sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C &3Socket Extender(s)&C."
receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &3Socket Extender(s)&A!"
receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &3Socket Extender(s)&C."
sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A &6Socket Gem(s)&A."
sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C &6Socket Gem(s)&C."
receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &6Socket Gem(s)&A!"
receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &6Socket Gem(s)&C."
sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)."
sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C MythicDrops item(s)."
receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou were given &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)."
receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C MythicDrops item(s)."
sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A &5Identity Tome(s)&A."
sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C &5Identity Tome(s)&C."
receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &5Identity Tome(s)&A!"
receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &5Identity Tome(s)&C."
sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A &DUnidentified Item(s)&A."
sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C &DUnidentified Item(s)&C."
receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &DUnidentified Item(s)&A!"
receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &DUnidentified Item(s)&C."
list: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Item Groups: &F%itemgroups%"
materials-list: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Item Group (&F%itemgroup%&6) materials: &F%materials%"
priority: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Item Group (&F%itemgroup%&6) priority: &F%priority%"
list: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Socket Gems: &F%socketgems%"
commands: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Socket Gem (&F%socketgem%&6) commands: &F%commands%"
effects: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Socket Gem (&F%socketgem%&6) effects: &F%effects%"
enchantments: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Socket Gem (&F%socketgem%&6) enchantments: &F%enchantments%"
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CCannot modify this item!"
name: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully modified the name of the item in your hand!"
add: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully added lore to the item in your hand!"
remove: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully removed lore from the item in your hand!"
insert: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully inserted lore on the item in your hand!"
set: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully set lore on the item in your hand!"
add: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully added an enchantment to the item in your hand!"
remove: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully removed an enchantment from the item in your hand!"
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A custom MythicDrops item(s)."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C custom MythicDrops item(s)."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &3Socket Extender(s)&A."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &3Socket Extender(s)&C."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &6Socket Gem(s)&A."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &6Socket Gem(s)&C."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou were given &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C MythicDrops item(s)."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &5Identity Tome(s)&A."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &5Identity Tome(s)&C."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &DUnidentified Item(s)&A."
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &DUnidentified Item(s)&C."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully added a socket gem combiner!"
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou failed to add a socket gem combiner!"
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully removed a &4Socket Gem Combiner&A!"
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou failed to remove a socket gem combiner!"
socket-gem-combiner-open: "&6[MythicDrops] &AOpened socket gem combiner GUI for &F%player%&A."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully added a socket gem to your item!"
not-in-item-group: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot use that gem on that type of item!"
no-open-sockets: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat item does not have any open sockets!"
prevented-crafting: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot craft items with &6Socket Gems&C or &3Socket Extenders&C!"
combiner-must-be-gem: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou can only put &6Socket Gems &Cinside the combiner!"
combiner-claim-output: "&6[MythicDrops] &CPlease claim your combined gem before adding more gems!"
added-socket: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully added a socket to your item!"
no-socket-extender-slots: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThere are no open socket extender slots on your item."
maximum-socket-extender-slots: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYour item has reached the maximum number of sockets."
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully identified your item!"
failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot identify that item!"
not-unidentified-item: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot identify an already identified item!"
cannot-use: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot repair that item!"
do-not-have: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou do not have enough materials to repair that item!"
success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully repaired your item!"
instructions: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASmack this item on an anvil again to repair it!"
# Various display names that are used for
# different itemNameFormat variables
IRON_PICKAXE: Iron Pickaxe
WOODEN_SHOVEL: Wooden Shovel
STONE_SHOVEL: Stone Shovel
STONE_PICKAXE: Stone Pickaxe
DIAMOND_SWORD: Diamond Sword
DIAMOND_SHOVEL: Diamond Shovel
DIAMOND_PICKAXE: Diamond Pickaxe
GOLDEN_SWORD: Golden Sword
GOLDEN_SHOVEL: Golden Shovel
GOLDEN_PICKAXE: Golden Pickaxe
LEATHER_BOOTS: Leather Boots
CHAINMAIL_HELMET: Chainmail Helmet
CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE: Chainmail Chestplate
CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS: Chainmail Leggings
CHAINMAIL_BOOTS: Chainmail Boots
IRON_CHESTPLATE: Iron Chestplate
IRON_LEGGINGS: Iron Leggings
DIAMOND_HELMET: Diamond Helmet
DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE: Diamond Chestplate
DIAMOND_LEGGINGS: Diamond Leggings
DIAMOND_BOOTS: Diamond Boots
GOLDEN_HELMET: Golden Helmet
GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE: Golden Chestplate
GOLDEN_LEGGINGS: Golden Leggings
GOLDEN_BOOTS: Golden Boots
TIPPED_ARROW: Tipped Arrow
SPECTRAL_ARROW: Spectral Arrow
DEPTH_STRIDER: Skeletal Pirate's
LUCK_OF_THE_SEA: Old Fisher's
MULTISHOT: Double-barreled
PROTECTION: Captain Planet's