MythicDrops has a lot of configuration options. Below is the contents of the language.yml. Most of the options are just used for various command outputs and the names of the keys are fairly self-explanatory.
There are a couple of explanations below, but most options are self-explanatory.
version: 3.11.1# A bunch of different and modifiable messages# used in the "/md" commands.general: found-item-broadcast: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A has found a %item%!" prevented-netherite-upgrade: "&6[MythicDrops] You cannot upgrade this item to Netherite!"command: only-players: "&6[MythicDrops] &COnly players can run this command." no-access: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou don't have permission to do that." reload-config: "&6[MythicDrops] &AMythicDrops configs reloaded." reload-plugin: "&6[MythicDrops] &AMythicDrops reloaded." save-config: "&6[MythicDrops] &AMythicDrops configs saved." tier-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat tier does not exist." custom-item-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat custom item does not exist." player-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat player does not exist or is not online." world-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat world does not exist." socket-gem-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat Socket Gem does not exist." item-group-does-not-exist: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat item group does not exist." unknown-player: "unknown player" custom-item-list: "&6[MythicDrops] &CCustom Items: &F%customitems%" tier-list: "&6[MythicDrops] &7Tiers: &F%tiers%" debug: "&6[MythicDrops] &7Debug printed." help: "&7/%command% &F- &7%help%" custom-create: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &ACreated a custom item with id &F%name%&A." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CUnable to create custom item." requires-item: "&6[MythicDrops] &CUnable to create custom item because there is no item in your main hand." requires-item-meta: "&6[MythicDrops] &CUnable to create custom item because item has no display name, lore, or enchantments." requires-display-name: "&6[MythicDrops] &CUnable to create custom item because item has no display name." drop-custom: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A custom MythicDrops item(s)." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C custom MythicDrops item(s)." drop-extender: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A &3Socket Extender(s)&A." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C &3Socket Extender(s)&C." drop-gem: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A &6Socket Gem(s)&A." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C &6Socket Gem(s)&C." drop-random: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C MythicDrops item(s)." drop-tome: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A &5Identity Tome(s)&A." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C &5Identity Tome(s)&C." drop-unidentified: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou dropped &F%amount%&A &DUnidentified Item(s)&A." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to drop &F%amount%&C &DUnidentified Item(s)&C." give-custom: sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A custom MythicDrops item(s)." sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C custom MythicDrops item(s)." receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)!" receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C custom MythicDrops item(s)." give-extender: sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A &3Socket Extender(s)&A." sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C &3Socket Extender(s)&C." receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &3Socket Extender(s)&A!" receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &3Socket Extender(s)&C." give-gem: sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A &6Socket Gem(s)&A." sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C &6Socket Gem(s)&C." receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &6Socket Gem(s)&A!" receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &6Socket Gem(s)&C." give-random: sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)." sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C MythicDrops item(s)." receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou were given &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)." receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C MythicDrops item(s)." give-tome: sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A &5Identity Tome(s)&A." sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C &5Identity Tome(s)&C." receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &5Identity Tome(s)&A!" receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &5Identity Tome(s)&C." give-unidentified: sender-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&A was given &F%amount%&A &DUnidentified Item(s)&A." sender-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &F%receiver%&C was unable to be given &F%amount%&C &DUnidentified Item(s)&C." receiver-success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &DUnidentified Item(s)&A!" receiver-failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &DUnidentified Item(s)&C." item-groups: list: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Item Groups: &F%itemgroups%" materials-list: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Item Group (&F%itemgroup%&6) materials: &F%materials%" priority: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Item Group (&F%itemgroup%&6) priority: &F%priority%" socket-gems: list: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Socket Gems: &F%socketgems%" commands: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Socket Gem (&F%socketgem%&6) commands: &F%commands%" effects: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Socket Gem (&F%socketgem%&6) effects: &F%effects%" enchantments: "&6[MythicDrops] &6Socket Gem (&F%socketgem%&6) enchantments: &F%enchantments%" modify: failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CCannot modify this item!" name: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully modified the name of the item in your hand!" lore: add: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully added lore to the item in your hand!" remove: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully removed lore from the item in your hand!" insert: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully inserted lore on the item in your hand!" set: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully set lore on the item in your hand!" enchantment: add: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully added an enchantment to the item in your hand!" remove: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASuccessfully removed an enchantment from the item in your hand!" spawn-custom: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A custom MythicDrops item(s)." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C custom MythicDrops item(s)." spawn-extender: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &3Socket Extender(s)&A." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &3Socket Extender(s)&C." spawn-gem: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &6Socket Gem(s)&A." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &6Socket Gem(s)&C." spawn-random: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou were given &F%amount%&A MythicDrops item(s)." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C MythicDrops item(s)." spawn-tome: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &5Identity Tome(s)&A." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &5Identity Tome(s)&C." spawn-unidentified: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou have received &F%amount%&A &DUnidentified Item(s)&A." failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou were unable to be given &F%amount%&C &DUnidentified Item(s)&C." socket-gem-combiner-add: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully added a socket gem combiner!" failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou failed to add a socket gem combiner!" socket-gem-combiner-remove: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully removed a &4Socket Gem Combiner&A!" failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou failed to remove a socket gem combiner!" socket-gem-combiner-open: "&6[MythicDrops] &AOpened socket gem combiner GUI for &F%player%&A."socketing: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully added a socket gem to your item!" not-in-item-group: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot use that gem on that type of item!" no-open-sockets: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThat item does not have any open sockets!" prevented-crafting: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot craft items with &6Socket Gems&C or &3Socket Extenders&C!" combiner-must-be-gem: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou can only put &6Socket Gems &Cinside the combiner!" combiner-claim-output: "&6[MythicDrops] &CPlease claim your combined gem before adding more gems!" added-socket: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully added a socket to your item!" no-socket-extender-slots: "&6[MythicDrops] &CThere are no open socket extender slots on your item." maximum-socket-extender-slots: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYour item has reached the maximum number of sockets."identification: success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully identified your item!" failure: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot identify that item!" not-unidentified-item: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot identify an already identified item!"repairing: cannot-use: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou cannot repair that item!" do-not-have: "&6[MythicDrops] &CYou do not have enough materials to repair that item!" success: "&6[MythicDrops] &AYou successfully repaired your item!" instructions: "&6[MythicDrops] &ASmack this item on an anvil again to repair it!"# Various display names that are used for# different itemNameFormat variablesdisplay-names: # Materials IRON_SHOVEL: Iron Shovel IRON_PICKAXE: Iron Pickaxe IRON_AXE: Iron Axe BOW: Bow IRON_SWORD: Iron Sword WOODEN_SWORD: Wood Sword WOODEN_SHOVEL: Wooden Shovel WOODEN_PICKAXE: Wood Pickaxe WOODEN_AXE: Wood Axe STONE_SWORD: Stone Sword STONE_SHOVEL: Stone Shovel STONE_PICKAXE: Stone Pickaxe STONE_AXE: Stone Axe DIAMOND_SWORD: Diamond Sword DIAMOND_SHOVEL: Diamond Shovel DIAMOND_PICKAXE: Diamond Pickaxe DIAMOND_AXE: Diamond Axe GOLDEN_SWORD: Golden Sword GOLDEN_SHOVEL: Golden Shovel GOLDEN_PICKAXE: Golden Pickaxe GOLDEN_AXE: Golden Axe WOODEN_HOE: Wooden Hoe STONE_HOE: Stone Hoe IRON_HOE: Iron Hoe DIAMOND_HOE: Diamond Hoe GOLDEN_HOE: Golden Hoe LEATHER_HELMET: Leather Cap LEATHER_CHESTPLATE: Leather Tunic LEATHER_LEGGINGS: Leather Pants LEATHER_BOOTS: Leather Boots CHAINMAIL_HELMET: Chainmail Helmet CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE: Chainmail Chestplate CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS: Chainmail Leggings CHAINMAIL_BOOTS: Chainmail Boots IRON_HELMET: Iron Helmet IRON_CHESTPLATE: Iron Chestplate IRON_LEGGINGS: Iron Leggings IRON_BOOTS: Iron Boots DIAMOND_HELMET: Diamond Helmet DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE: Diamond Chestplate DIAMOND_LEGGINGS: Diamond Leggings DIAMOND_BOOTS: Diamond Boots GOLDEN_HELMET: Golden Helmet GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE: Golden Chestplate GOLDEN_LEGGINGS: Golden Leggings GOLDEN_BOOTS: Golden Boots FISHING_ROD: Fishing Rod SHEARS: Shears BOOK: Book ELYTRA: Elytra TRIDENT: Trident CROSSBOW: Crossbow ARROW: Arrow TIPPED_ARROW: Tipped Arrow SPECTRAL_ARROW: Spectral Arrow SHIELD: Shield # Enchantments Ordinary: Ordinary AQUA_AFFINITY: Merman's BANE_OF_ARTHROPODS: Squisher's BINDING_CURSE: Chained BLAST_PROTECTION: Wary BREACH: Smashing CHANNELING: Stormlord's DENSITY: Eureakan DEPTH_STRIDER: Skeletal Pirate's EFFICIENCY: Efficient FEATHER_FALLING: Feather-y FIRE_ASPECT: Burning FIRE_PROTECTION: Fireman's FLAME: Flaming FORTUNE: Prospector's FROST_WALKER: Cold Footed IMPALING: Vlad's INFINITY: Quivered KNOCKBACK: Heavy LOOTING: Looter's LOYALTY: Hound's LUCK_OF_THE_SEA: Old Fisher's LURE: Alluring MENDING: Fixer-upper MULTISHOT: Double-barreled PIERCING: Piercing POWER: Sharpened PROJECTILE_PROTECTION: Dodger's PROTECTION: Captain Planet's PUNCH: Broadhead QUICK_CHARGE: Minuteman RESPIRATION: Snorkeling RIPTIDE: Yoinkin' SHARPNESS: Sharp SILK_TOUCH: Copycat's SMITE: Paladin's SOUL_SPEED: Corporate SWEEPING_EDGE: Janitorial SWIFT_SNEAK: Swiper's THORNS: Porcupine's UNBREAKING: Unbreaking VANISHING_CURSE: POOF-ing WIND_BURST: Yeeting # Mobs CREEPER: Creeper ZOMBIE: Zombie