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MythicDrops has a lot of configuration options. Below is the contents of the socketing.yml with inline explanations of what each configuration option does.

version: 6.0.0
## Should gems be prevented from being used in crafting? true is a recommended default.
prevent-crafting-with-gems: true
## Should gems be prevented from adding prefixes/suffixes if an item already has one?
prevent-multiple-name-changes-from-sockets: false
## When applying ON_HIT/ON_HIT_AND_WHEN_HIT gems, use the attacker's items in their hands?
use-attacker-item-in-hand: true
## When applying ON_HIT/ON_HIT_AND_WHEN_HIT gems, use the attacker's equipped armor?
use-attacker-armor-equipped: false
## When applying WHEN_HIT/ON_HIT_AND_WHEN_HIT gems, use the defender's items in their hands?
use-defender-item-in-hand: false
## When applying WHEN_HIT/ON_HIT_AND_WHEN_HIT gems, use the defender's equipped armor?
use-defender-armor-equipped: true
## Materials that can be used as socket gems.
## Default color for socket gem names when applied to items.
default-socket-name-color-on-items: GOLD
## Sets the number of seconds between AURA gem refreshes. This is intentionally set
## high as aura gems can be very computationally expensive due to distance checking.
aura-gem-refresh-in-seconds: 30
## Materials that can be used as socket extenders.
## Should an item require an unused socket extender slot on the item in order
## for a socket extender to be able to add an empty socket to the item?
require-extender-slots-to-add-sockets: false
## What type of click is used for socketing an item?
click-type-to-socket: RIGHT
## What is the maximum number of socket slots that can be obtained by using socket extenders
## on an item? Any non-positive number means an infinite number of sockets.
## If an item spawns with 5 socket slots and this is set to 5, no more socket slots will be able
## to be added via socket extenders.
maximum-number-of-sockets-via-extender: -1
## Text to display for an open extender slot. Only necessary if the above
## `require-extender-slots-to-add-sockets` is true.
slot: "&3(+)"
## Name to display on the socket extender.
name: "&3Socket Extender"
## Lore to display on the socket extender. No placeholders.
- "&7Right-click while holding this item"
- "&7over another item in"
- "&7your inventory to add a socket to it!"
## Should socket gems glow?
glow: false
## Display name of a socket gem.
name: "&6Socket Gem - %socketgem%"
## Lore/description of a socket gem.
## Available placeholders:
## - %socketitemgrouplore% - combination of all-of, any-of, none-of item group lore
## - %socketfamilylore% - shows gem family and level
## - %socketgemlore% - lore from the socket gem's configuration
- "%socketitemgrouplore%"
- "%socketfamilylore%"
- ""
- "&7Right-click while holding this gem"
- "&7over another item in"
- "&7your inventory to socket it!"
- ""
- "%socketgemlore%"
## Customize %socketfamilylore%
- "&7Family: &F%family% &7(&F%level%&7)"
## Customize prefix of %socketitemgrouplore%:
## %itemgroup% - combination of the below three with newlines after each
## %allofitemgroup% - all-of-item-group-lore (6.3.x+)
## %anyofitemgroup% - any-of-item-group-lore (6.3.x+)
## %noneofitemgroup% - none-of-item-group-lore (6.3.x+)
- "&7Type(s): &F%itemgroup%"
## Customize second part of %socketitemgrouplore%
- " &7Requires One Of: &F%itemgroup%"
## Customize first part of %socketitemgrouplore%
- " &7Requires All: &F%itemgroup%"
## Customize third part of %socketitemgrouplore%
- " &7Requires None: &F%itemgroup%"
## Name displayed in socket gem combiner GUI
name: "&4Socket Gem Combiner"
## Item to show in non-clickable spots in socket gem combiner GUI
name: "&aClick a &6Socket Gem &ato begin!"
material: "IRON_BARS"
lore: []
## Item to show when socket gems are able to be combined in GUI
name: "&E&LClick to combine!"
material: "NETHER_STAR"
lore: []
## Item to show when socket gems are not able to be combined in GUI
name: "&C&LIneligible to combine!"
material: "BARRIER"
## Message to show when unable to be combined due to not being in
## same socket gem family
- "&7You need to have four &6Socket Gems"
- "&7from the same family"
- "&7in order to combine them!"
## Message to show when unable to be combined due to not being in
## same socket gem level
- "&7You need to have four &6Socket Gems"
- "&7from the same level"
- "&7in order to combine them!"
## Message to show when unable to be combined due to not being in
## same socket gem family and level
- "&7You need to have four &6Socket Gems"
- "&7from the same family and level"
- "&7in order to combine them!"
## Message to show when unable to be combined due to not being able
## to find a gem based on the gems available.
- "&7Unable to find a gem for that"
- "&7combination of gems!"
## Do gems being combined require the same gem family?
require-same-family: false
## Do gems being combined require the same gem level?
require-same-level: false