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MythicDrops has a lot of configuration options. Below is the contents of the socketTypes.yml with inline explanations of what each configuration option does.

version: 1.0.0
## Identifier for the Socket Type.
## Weight of the socket type. See the weights section of the documentation
## for more information. Defaults to 0.
weight: 2
## What the name for Socket Gems of this type looks like.
socket-gem-style: "&6Socket Gem - %socketgem%"
## What the empty socket looks like on an item. Goes in %socketablelore%.
socket-style: "&F(Socket)"
## Should checking for empty sockets ignore colors? This value should be false for
## any socket type other than a "default" socket type. Defaults to false.
ignore-colors: true
## Help text added to the lore of an item. Goes in %socketablelore%.
- "&7Find a &6Socket Gem&7 to fill a &F(Socket)"
# other socket types down here...
## Weight of the socket extender type. See the weights section of the documentation
## for more information. Defaults to 0.
weight: 10
## Custom model data applied to the Socket Extender item. Defaults to 0.
custom-model-data: 100
## Socket Type added by the Socket Extender. Must match a value in `socket-types`.
applied-socket-type: "any"
## The display name of the Socket Extender item.
socket-extender-style: "&3Socket Extender"
## Help text added to the lore of the Socket Extender item.
- "&7Use on an item with a %slot-style%&7"
- "&7in order to add a %applied-socket-type.socket-style%&7."
## What the empty socket extender slot looks like on an item. Goes in %socketablelore%.
slot-style: "&3(+)"
## Help text added to the lore of an item. Goes in %socketablelore%.
- "&7Find a &3Socket Extender&7 to fill a &3(+)&7."
## Should checking for empty slots ignore colors? This value should be false for
## any socket extender type other than a "default" socket extender type. Defaults to false.
ignore-colors: true
# other socket extender types down here...