Tiers Directory
MythicDrops has a lot of configuration options. Below is the contents of a tier YAML with inline explanations of what each configuration option does.
Display color and identifier color combinations must be unique.
version: 1.6.0## Display name for the tier. Used for display on items in lore."display-name": Legendaryattributes: ## These attributes will go on every item from this tier. base-attributes: ## This needs to be a unique value per attribute/tier. It's used to help identify ## the attribute to Minecraft. legendaryuniquekey1: ## Attribute for this particular modifier. Attribute names here: ## https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/attribute/Attribute.html attribute: GENERIC_ARMOR ## Decimal value for the amount this attribute adds. amount: 2.0 ## Operation for this particular modifier. Operation names and descriptions here: ## https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/attribute/AttributeModifier.Operation.html operation: ADD_NUMBER bonus-attributes: legendaryuniquekey2: attribute: GENERIC_ARMOR ## Decimal value for the minimum amount this attribute adds. minimum-amount: 4.0 ## Decimal value for the maximum amount this attribute adds. maximum-amount: 6.0 operation: ADD_NUMBER ## Which equipment slot should this modifier apply to? Not including ## this field makes it apply to every equipment slot. Slot names here: ## https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/inventory/EquipmentSlot.html slot: OFF_HAND ## The minimum number of bonus attributes to go on items from this tier. minimum-bonus-attributes: 0 ## The maximum number of bonus attributes to go on items from this tier. maximum-bonus-attributes: 0enchantments: ## If set to true, only base enchantments that could naturally appear on the item will be put on the item. ## For instance, with this on, a sword could not get the Feather Falling enchantment. safe-base-enchantments: true ## If set to true, only bonus enchantments that could naturally appear on the item will be put on the item. ## For instance, with this on, a sword could not get the Feather Falling enchantment. safe-bonus-enchantments: false ## If set to true, only relation enchantments that could naturally appear on the item will be put on the item. ## For instance, with this on, a sword could not get the Feather Falling enchantment. safe-relation-enchantments: false ## If set to true, base enchantments are allowed to roll numbers higher than naturally obtainable. allow-high-base-enchantments: true ## If set to true, bonus enchantments are allowed to roll numbers higher than naturally obtainable. allow-high-bonus-enchantments: true ## If set to true, relation enchantments are allowed to roll numbers higher than naturally obtainable. allow-high-relation-enchantments: true ## This is a list of enchantments that will go on every item of this tier. They can be specified in ## the below format: ## < > - mandatory ## [ ] - optional ## ## <ENCHANTMENT NAME>:<MINIMUM LEVEL>:[MAXIMUM LEVEL] ## ## See below for a couple of examples. Make sure to not end the value with the colon. ## Enchantments: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html base-enchantments: - POWER:1:1 - DURABILITY:10 - INFINITY:1:1 - SHARPNESS:1:5 ## This is a list of enchantments that can be rolled onto items in this tier. Note that it has a different ## shape than the base-enchantments section. Both base-enchantments and bonus-enchantments can follow either ## pattern. You can have a list (like in the above section) or you can have sub-sections (like below). ## ## In this section, like above, minimum-level is mandatory while maximum-level is optional. bonus-enchantments: PROTECTION_FIRE: minimum-level: 1 maximum-level: 2 FLAME: minimum-level: 1 maximum-level: 1 DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS: minimum-level: 1 maximum-level: 4 ## This is the minimum number of bonus-enchantments that can be rolled on an item ## from this tier. In order to meet this number, multiple of the same bonus enchantment ## can be rolled. minimum-bonus-enchantments: 7 ## This is the maximum number of bonus-enchantments that can be rolled on an item ## from this tier. In order to meet this number, multiple of the same bonus enchantment ## can be rolled. maximum-bonus-enchantments: 10lore: ## This is the minimum number of bonus-lore that can be rolled on an item ## from this tier. In order to meet this number, multiple of the same bonus lore ## can be rolled. minimum-bonus-lore: 0 ## This is the maximum number of bonus-lore that can be rolled on an item ## from this tier. In order to meet this number, multiple of the same bonus lore ## can be rolled. maximum-bonus-lore: 0 ## This is a list of lore that will go on every item from this tier. base-lore: - "&6An item only the worthy can hold." ## This is a list of lore that will be selected from when applying bonus lore. You can add ## multiple lines in the bonus lore by adding a linebreak character in the value: \n bonus-lore: - "&6Test Lore" - "&6Please Ignore"## This is the maximum durability percentage that an item of this tier can spawn## at. 1.0 = 100%, 0.0 = 0%maximum-durability: 0.8## This is the minimum durability percentage that an item of this tier can spawn## at. 1.0 = 100%, 0.0 = 0%minimum-durability: 0.75## This is the minimum number of sockets that can be rolled on an item of this tier.minimum-sockets: 0## This is the maximum number of sockets that can be rolled on an item of this tier.maximum-sockets: 6## This is the weight of this tier. See the weight page for more details.weight: 0.01## This is the percentage chance for a mob to drop this item if they're holding it## when they die. 1.0 = 100%, 0.0 = 0%## Note that the above percentages only work for when a player has recently damaged the mob## before it dies (~1 second). If you want it to work for fall damage, bump it to 1.1.chance-to-drop-on-monster-death: 1.0## This is the weight of this tier when identifying an item. See the weight page for more details.identity-weight: 0.01## This is the percentage chance for an item of this tier to have sockets. 1.0 = 100%, 0.0 = 0%chance-to-have-sockets: 0.6## Should a broadcast be sent to all players on the same world when an item of this tier is found?broadcast-on-find: trueitem-types: ## Item groups containing materials that items from this tier can use. allowed-groups: - pickaxe - sword - shears - axe - hoe - shovel - bow - fishing rod - helmet - boots - chestplate - leggings ## Item groups containing materials that items from this tier cannot use. Any materials in both this list ## and allowed-groups will not be used. disallowed-groups: - leather - chainmail - gold - iron - wood - stone ## Explicit material IDs that items from this tier can use. Combined with allowed-groups. allowed-material-ids: [] ## Explicit material IDs that items from this tier cannot use. Combined with disallowed-groups. disallowed-material-ids: []## Minimum distance from spawn that a mob must be in order to get this item. -1 disables.minimum-distance-from-spawn: -1## Maximum distance from spawn that a mob must be in order to get this item. -1 disables.maximum-distance-from-spawn: -1## Should the item spawn with the unbreakable flag?unbreakable: false## Override the global display name format for this tier.item-display-name-format: "%tiername% %mythicmaterial%"## Override the global lore display name format for this tier.tooltip-format: - "&7Type: %mythicmaterial%" - "&7Tier:%tiercolor% %tiername%" - "&FA fairly useless item, wouldn't you say?"## Flags to control what is displayed on an item.## https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/inventory/ItemFlag.htmlitem-flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES## This is the percentage chance for an item of this tier to have sockets. 1.0 = 100%, 0.0 = 0%chance-to-have-socket-extender-slots: 0.0## This is the minimum number of socket extender slots that can be rolled on an item of this tier.minimum-socket-extender-slots: 0## This is the maximum number of socket extender slots that can be rolled on an item of this tier.maximum-socket-extender-slots: 0## This is the level cost for an item if it is put inside an anvil.repair-cost: 1000## Custom model data that can apply to items from this tier.## List of model data with below attributes:## model-data: The custom model data that goes on the item itself.## weight: The weight of this particular entry.## material: Optional field to make this custom model data only go on items with this material.custom-model-data: - model-data: 1 weight: 1 - model-data: 2 weight: 2 material: DIAMOND_SWORD