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Socket Gem Combiners

Socket Gem Combiners allow players to sacrifice Socket Gems for the chance at a better Socket Gem.


Whenever a Socket Gem Combiner is opened, it will open a custom inventory for the player that opened it and will only allow them to place socket gems in the open slots. Once all 4 socket gems have been placed, they will be able to click an item in the inventory to receive their new socket gem.


In order to create a Socket Gem Combiner, look at a chest and run /md combiners add.


In order to list existing Socket Gem Combiners and their locations, run /md combiners list.


In order to delete a Socket Gem Combiner, look at a Socket Gem Combiner and run /md combiners delete.


You can change multiple things about Socket Gem Combiners, including the items used in the inventory GUI, by editing the socketing.yml.

The most relevant for functionality is the combining section at the bottom that looks something like this:

## Do gems being combined require the same gem family?
require-same-family: false
## Do gems being combined require the same gem level?
require-same-level: false

How They Work

Each socket gem has a family and level field. As mentioned above in Configuration, there are configurable options for how these fields are used. If require-same-family is set to true, each sacrificed gem must have the same family value. If require-same-level is set to true, each sacrificed gem must have the same level value.

Those values have effects on how the result socket gem is calculated as well.

No Requirements

If both require-same-family and require-same-level are false, then the resulting gem will be a random socket gem with a level one higher than the rounded-down average of the sacrificed gems.

For instance, if you sacrifice a level 1 gem, a level 2 gem, a level 3 gem, and a level 4 gem, you will receive a level 3 gem, as the average level (rounded down) is 2.

Same Family Requirement

If require-same-family is true and require-same-level is false, then the resulting gem will be a random socket gem from the matching family with a level one higher than the rounded-down average of the sacrificed gems.

For instance, if you sacrifice a level 1 gem, a level 2 gem, a level 3 gem, and a level 4 gem, you will receive a level 3 gem from the same family, as the average level (rounded down) is 2.

Same Level Requirement

If require-same-level is true and require-same-family is false, then the resulting gem will be a random socket gem with a level one higher than the sacrificed gems.

For instance, if you sacrifice 4 level 2 gems, you will receive a level 3 gem.

Same Family and Same Level Requirement

If require-same-family is true and require-same-level is true, then the resulting gem will be a random socket gem from the matching family with a level one higher than the sacrificed gems.

For instance, if you sacrifice 4 level 2 gems, you will receive a level 3 gem from the same family, as the average level (rounded down) is 2.